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Us - Celine Dion

I want to know why
You're letting this die
Without the the blink of an eye
you say that you need time
I say you'll be fine
If you would only see
Like you did before
You became imprisioned
Can I reopen the door
You say it doesnt matter
Then tell me what does
Any why that isn't what
You've been thinking of
You say it's never easy
Then tell me what was
Is it never worth the pain
Could you you believe it was
When life keep giving
Thats what life keeps giving
To us
once we were one mind
Drifting ion one time
And ever true
We were friends
But something is gone from my
picture of this time
If we could only see
Like we did before
We became imprisoned
Can i reopen the door
You say it doesnt matter
Then tell me what does
Any why that isn't what
You've been thinking of
You say it's never easy
Then tell me what was
Is it never worth the pain
Could you you believe it was
When life keep giving
Thats what life keeps giving
To us
The hope has vanished from you eyes
You were my faith and one truth
There's every reason to get through
And you're why I know there's
a reason
You say it doesnt matter
Then tell me what does
Any why that isn't what
You've been thinking of
You say it's never easy
Then tell me what was
Is it never worth the pain
Could you you believe it was
When life keep giving
Thats what life keeps giving
To us

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